Some papers concerning the mathematical connections between the Ramanujan mathematics and several sectors of Theoretical Physics, Cosmology and String Theory
Ramanujan Society of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
The following links relate to new research thesis
concerning the application of the some sectors and parameters of Ramanujan
mathematics. Enjoy the reading! Great Sri Ramanujan, source of inspiration for
my researches!
The following links relate to new research thesis
concerning the application of the some sectors and parameters of Ramanujan
mathematics. Enjoy the reading! Great Sri Ramanujan, source of inspiration for
my researches!
Below the links of seven papers concerning the
possible connections between various sectors of Theoretical Physics,
Mathematics and Sri Ramanujan's sublime Theory of Numbers. Enjoy the reading!
Below four links regarding the new research thesis
published on line on the application of the some sectors of Ramanujan
mathematics. Enjoy the reading !
In this paper, we describe and analyze further new
mathematical connections between some Ramanujan formulas, Planck Vacuum
Cosmology, D3-Brane and some sectors of String Theory (Supersymmetry Breaking).
Enjoy the reading!
In this revisited paper we have described some
Ramanujan’s integral equations and incomplete elliptic integrals of the first
kind. Furthermore, we describe new possible mathematical connections with ϕ, ζ(2), and various
parameters of Particle Physics. Enjoy the reading!
In these research thesis, we analyze some topics of
Field Theory and Gravity and applications of κ formula linked the Zeros of Riemann Zeta Function. Furthermore, we
describe the mathematical connections with some sectors of String Theory and
Ramanujan Mathematics, especially some formulas concerning to the fundamental
Ramanujan's work: "Modular equations and approximations to 𝝅". Enjoy the reading
In this research thesis, we analyze the κ formula concerning the Zeros of Riemann Zeta
Function. We describe further new possible mathematical connections with some
equations concerning some topics of String Theory and Supersymmetry Breaking.
Enjoy the reading!
In this research thesis (part II), we have analyzed
and deepened further Ramanujan expressions (Rogers-Ramanujan continued
fractions, Hardy-Ramanujan number and sixth order mock theta functions) applied
to various parameters of Particle Physics. We have therefore described new
possible mathematical connections. Enjoy the reading!
For the paper see also the link below:
In the present research thesis, we have obtained
further interesting new possible mathematical connections concerning the
mathematics of Ramanujan mock theta functions, some sectors of Particle
Physics, concerning principally the Dark Matter candidate particles and the
physics of black holes. Furthermore, we have described a new possible Theory of
Mathematical Connections between some Ramanujan's equations and Approximations
to π, the equations of Inflationary Cosmology concerning
the scalar field , the Inflaton mass, the Higgs boson mass and the Pion meson ±
mass. In conclusion, we have analyzed a fundamental modular equation for an
initial theoretical framework concerning the motivations of the mathematical
connections that are obtained between various formulas of Ramanujan's
mathematics and different parameters of Theoretical Physics and Cosmology.
Enjoy the reading!
In this paper we have described and analyzed some
Ramanujan expressions. We have obtained several mathematical connections with 𝜙, ζ(2) and various
topics and parameters of Open Strings and Particle Physics. Enjoy the reading!
In this research thesis, we have described some new
mathematical connections between some equations of various topics concerning
the String Theory, D-Branes, Supersymmetry Breaking and some sectors of Number
Theory (Rogers-Ramanujan continued fractions and mock theta functions). Enjoy the reading!
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