From Maxwell’s Equations to the String Theory and Particle Physics: New mathematical connections with some sectors of Number Theory

Michele Nardelli, Antonio Nardelli


In this paper we have described some new mathematical connections between Maxwell’s Equations, some sectors of the String Theory and Particle Physics, and some sectors of Number Theory, precisely various Ramanujan’s expressions and equations.


In conclusion, the reason why performing the double integrals of the various equations of Maxwell's electromagnetic theory are lepton-like solutions (protons, neutrons, electrons, positrons) and plots involving open curves, it allows to deduce that in the toroidal infinite-dimensional Hilbert space , as for branes, infinite open strings are anchored, therefore fermionics. We know that the interactions between open strings can always result in closed strings, therefore from the collision of two open strings, as happens for the annihilation between electron and positron, energy is emitted, which in the case of our model, generates a world toroidal brane, therefore a closed 3d string, also composed of bosons, just like the photons that make up the electromagnetic field (light). Practically the ends of two open strings, which come off the Hilbert space, when the two strings are annihilated, in reality what for us is the emission of bosons, is the creation from the two open strings, of a closed string that
expanding becomes our D3-brane. The solutions of the integral equations that instead identify with the mass of the Higgs boson, are the further confirmation that it gives the mass to the fermions of the Standard Model.
“From the gravitational equations (4) follow the four independent linear combinations (27) of the basic electrodynamics equations (5) and their first derivatives. This is the exact mathematical expression of the aforementioned statement generally expressed on the character of electrodynamics as a consequence of gravitation” (from David Hilbert Paper).
In our case the Maxwell's equations are a consequence of the 11D supergravity and therefore connected to it. This is further confirmation that gravity and electromagnetism at the Planck scale are part of a single superforce. This explains the reason of the resulting particle-type solutions (fermions) from which, by annihilation, are produced bosons like photons, the quanta of the electromagnetic field

This is the link of the entire paper:


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