The Circle’s Method to investigate the Goldbach’s Conjecture and the Germain primes.
The Circle’s Method to investigate the Goldbach’s Conjecture and the Germain primes: Mathematical connections with the p-adic strings and the zeta strings.
(di Michele Nardelli e Rosario Turco - Agosto 2010)
In this paper we have described in the Section 1 some equations and theorems concerning the Circle Method applied to the Goldbach’s Conjecture. In the Section 2, we have described some equations and theorems concerning the Circle Method to investigate Germain primes by the Major arcs. In the Section 3, we have described some equations concerning the equivalence between the Goldbach’s Conjecture and the Generalized Riemann Hypothesis. In the Section 4, we have described some equations concerning the p-adic strings and the zeta strings. In conclusion, in the Section 5, we have described some possible mathematical connections between the arguments discussed in the various sections.
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Questo commento è stato eliminato dall'autore.
RispondiEliminaEgregio prof. Nardelli,
RispondiEliminaè un piacere risentirLa.
Congratulazioni per il notevole lavoro!
Purtroppo le mie sono soltanto congratulazioni.
Conoscendo i miei limiti, ritengo di non potere
entrare nel merito dei contenuti.
Aggiunga anche che non conosco l'inglese!
Intanto La ringrazio.
Alfonso Vocca
Commento posto dal Prof. Branko Dragovich (Institute of Physics Belgrade)
RispondiEliminaDear Dr Nardelli,
...I am glad that you are going to connect p-adic and zeta strings with some parts of number theory. Thank you for your paper which I will read later. Your paper is in the form like the previous papers.
Commento posto dal Prof. Ignazio Licata (fisico teorico - ISEM)
RispondiElimina"....mi sembra interessante, con strategie di approccio molto intriganti..."