On the Andrica and Cramer’s Conjectures. Mathematical connections between Number Theory and some sectors of String Theory

Questo è il mio nuovo articolo sulle connessioni tra alcuni settori della Teoria dei Numeri ed alcuni settori della Teoria delle Stringhe. Il titolo è:

On the Andrica and Cramer’s Conjectures. Mathematical connections between Number Theory and some sectors of String Theory

Qui di seguito l'Abstract


In this paper we have described, in the Section 1, some mathematics concerning the Andrica’s conjecture. In the Section 2, we have described the Cramer –Shank Conjecture. In the Section 3, we have described some equations concerning the possible proof of the Cramer’s conjecture and the related differences between prime numbers, principally the Cramer’s conjecture and Selberg’s theorem. In the Section 4, we have described some equations concerning the p-adic strings and the zeta strings. In the Section 5, we have described some equations concerning the -deformation in toroidal compactification for N = 2 gauge theory. In conclusion, in the Section 6, we have described some possible mathematical connections between various sectors of string theory and number theory.

Il link dell'articolo, per leggerlo in dettaglio, è:
(In pubb. - Submitted and received from Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics on March 22, 2010)

Michele Nardelli


  1. Commento posto dal Prof. Branko Dragovich (Institute of Physics Belgrade)

    Dear Dr Nardelli,

    Thank You for your new paper. It looks interesting. I will read it in more details in the future.

  2. Commento posto dal Prof. Ignazio Licata (Fisico Teorico - ISEM)

    "...L'articolo è molto bello, e rappresenta anche un'ottima occasione per molti fisici per iniziare ad indagare non occasionalmente alcune aree"


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