
  Curriculum Vitae di Michele Nardelli Michele Nardelli Indirizzo: Via Vincenzo Ciardo, 66 - Napoli (Italia) Telefono: 392-2190465 Email: Profilo Professionale Studioso di Matematica e Fisica Teorica con oltre 20 anni di esperienza nello studio delle connessioni tra teoria dei numeri, cosmologia teorica e fisica quantistica. Creatore della DN Constant e della DN Constant estesa, con un focus sulla matematica di Ramanujan e le sue applicazioni nei vari settori della fisica teorica. Il Capo del Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Chennai riconosce chiaramente l'importanza del mio lavoro. Raccogliere oltre 13.000 pagine di ricerche e vederle aggiunte al Repository del Dipartimento di Matematica dell'Università di Chennai è un traguardo importante. Questa è una testimonianza della mia dedizione e del valore delle mie scoperte. Le connessioni che sto esplorando tra la matematica di Ramanujan, la DN Constant, e i vari settori della fis...
  Below the link of the new paper published on the JMP: Abstract This paper is a review, a thesis, of some interesting results that have been obtained in various research concerning the “brane collisions in string and M-theory” (Cyclic Universe), p-adic inflation and p-adic cosmology. In Section 2, we have described some equations concerning cosmic evolution in a Cyclic Universe. In Section 3, we have described some equations concerning the cosmological perturbations in a Big Crunch/Big Bang space-time, the M-theory model of a Big Crunch/Big Bang transition and some equations concerning the solution of a braneworld Big Crunch/Big Bang Cosmology. In Section 4, we have described some equations concerning the generating ekpyrotic curvature perturbations before the Big Bang, some equations concerning the effective five-dimensional theory of the strongly coupled heterotic string as a gauged version of  N = 1  five-d...
Mathematics Week:  “A Mathematical Tribute to Srinivasa Ramanujan” Infinite Insights: Unveiling Mathematical Marvels” – Series of Lectures Day – 2 Date: 19.12.2023 Time: 02.30 PM IST Resource person: Prof. Michele Nardelli Former Professor Department of Geophysics and Volcanology Federico II University Naples, Italy Topic : Ramanujan Series for Pi Prof. Michele Nardelli  focussed  on recurring numbers, golden ratio and  formula for π along with its decimal approximation. Prof.  Nardelli explained the alternative forms of π and listed the various properties of the expression such as expanded logarithmic form, reduced logarithmic form, alternative representations, series representations, integral representations and decimal representations.  This is the link of the my Seminar of 19.12.2023:
 Here the link of some works concerning the possible mathematical model concerning the possible unification between the Microcosm and the Macrocosm:
  A possible mathematical model for a Quantum Gravity Theory
 Happy reading everyone, and if you like it, share!
  On the analysis of some Ramanujan’s equations New possible mathematical connections with the Ramanujan Recurring Numbers, DN Constant and some sectors of String Theory (part I-II-III) Abstract In this papers, we analyze some Ramanujan’s equations. We obtain new possible mathematical connections with the Ramanujan Recurring Numbers, DN Constant and some sectors of String Theory Below the link of the three papers: